Friday, August 31, 2012

Doing Gender.

Well after the first full week of classes I am sure everyone is on information overload, I know I am. This Tuesday's topic, "Doing Gender" was a great way to open up my eyes to the way of the world. There are so many contradictions that surround being "inside the box" as an ideal male or a female. These notions have been socially constructed and instilled in us before we came out of the womb. As women we are taught not to be too smart or too powerful, and because men are taught they do not want a woman who they cannot control, or a woman who doesn't need to depend on them, that threatens them. If a woman is a position of power, she is seen as ruthless bitch. Whereas if a man is not in a position of power he is seen as weak or "soft". It blows my mind that so many people, myself included, live by these in the box standards. Why should we? Why does society make the "ideal" concepts of being a man or woman so unattainable?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I am really looking forward to this class this semester.  I think it will be great to get know everyone and their personalities.  I am glad we established some ground rules and respect standards.  Can't wait to begin discussions on the materials we will be reading.