Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gendered Objects

In Thursday's class we all shared a gendered object.  Most of the objects shared were objects that are used in everyday life. I never realized how much marketing and advertisement had to do with the type of product a man or woman chooses to buy. Let's be honest the color, shape, wording, font, packaging, etc. all impacts what we decide to buy whether feminine or masculine. Personally I am drawn to purple things. In the United States purple is seen as a more feminine color, whereas in European countries straight men are very comfortable sporting such a color. It is just amusing to me how gender specific we as Americans have become.

The other topic that I found absolutely fascinating is the discourse of love. Most women are suckers for a romantic comedy or a love story, I know I am. In the back of my head I know this is just a bunch of bull because this stuff never happens in real life. It got me thinking about how from a very young age we are taught to look for a "Prince Charming", someone that will rescue us and we will live happily ever after. Sure that would be wonderful but realistically, it's most likely not gonna happen. So why not start portraying a different message to young girls?


  1. great question! why do we keep telling this story of love?

    1. I guess love sells and bringings in the money. No one I know woul go to see a love story that didn't end happily ever after. It's what we have had instilled in us for so long anything but the happily ever after is crappy.
