Sunday, October 14, 2012


For Tuesday's class the articles we were to read made me realize a lot about how masculinity has a lot of different components that I never truly thought about in depth. Masculinity and violence is a public health issue, a feminist problem, a media problem, etc. The way society has portrayed what it means to be masculine has a detrimental effect on how some men behave. This behavior has an impact on the health and safety of others in a community.  Some of the violence that men partake in to show just how manly they are harmful to other men, women, and ultimately themselves. It is sad/scary to think about the impact of how teasing or bullying or whatever you want to call it sticks with someone the rest of their life and how in-turn that person can choose a different type of coping mechanisms to deal with the pain they had been caused. For example a person who was physically abused throughout high school (or grade school) may become an intellectual bully and use their brains to make themselves feel superior and/or to put other people down. Just a type of compensation or coping method I feel.

Tuesday's class was very intense and it made me a tad uncomfortable, but at the same time it made realize that the stuff you never really think happens, really does. I am glad some people can be so open about their experiences. I for one would never be able to open up to a classroom of peers that I barely know and share my emotional and hurtful experiences. I always try to build a bridge and get over things, but somethings stick with you longer than others and it doesn't make it okay. I have learned that a lot of people put down other just to make up for their shortcomings and to make themselves feel better. 

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