Friday, October 5, 2012

Tough Guise

In today's class we watched the film Tough Guise. This film shed light on some aspects of the relationship between men and violence. Jackson Katz (I think!) is the man speaking throughout the film, and I believe he does a very good job and brings to light somethings I never realized we as a society unintentionally influence. There is a "front" that most guys put on to show just how masculine, strong, and dominant they are in society.  From an early boys are conditioned to "suck it up" and not be cry babies when they are in pain or are upset about something. I know that I am guilty of telling guys to suck it up when they are upset because that's what I have observed through media and real life experiences. I never realized how much that impacts the "tough guy" persona that males are expected to live up to.

Another interesting topic the movie covered was how much different action figures are now compared to the 1970s. The film used GI Joe dolls to show the difference twenty-years has made. The size of the biceps has greatly increased making the male attributes of a muscular body seen as the definition of tough. The film also mentioned on the opposite spectrum how "curvy" women were much more desired in the 1960s and 1970s now the ideal women is portrayed as being very thin without all the Marilyn Monroe curves. It is crazy to think how much has changed over the course of 30 years. I found the film rather informative and eye opening.

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